A Quick Tour Of Mullett Township

Mullett Township News & Views-Promoting Open Government in Mullett Township

There is also the Mullett Township Party Line or you make drink the Kool-Aid from the Topinabee Development Association "Artesian" Well

Mullett Township
is a general law township in Cheboygan County, Michigan. The population was 1312 in the 2010 US census. The township and Mullett Lake are named for John Mullett, who with William Burt, surveyed much of the area between 1840 and 1843.

The commercial center of the Township is the quiet unincorporated Village of Topinabee located on the west shore of Mullett Lake on M27 highway. The village is a trailhead for the DNR Trail with off-street parking and restrooms.

The village has a Post Office, Convenience Store with gas pumps, Public Library with 24 hour outdoor WiFi, an artisan-owned woodwork shop, a breakfast cafe and a bar and grille. Township owned buildings include the Library, Township Hall and Fire Hall, and an unused former school building on Lea St.

Recreation needs are served with a beachfront park and covered picnic area, free public boat launch at the north end of the village, a small public access to Mullett Lake across from the Nokia Cafe and tennis court, ball-field, and playground equipment at a public park located up the hill on Lea St.

The east side of Mullett Township is largely rural, with no commercial development. Township services include a Fire Hall and volunteer East Mullett Lake Fire Department.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Here Is The Real "Streetscape" News and "Facts"

An aerial perspective of the Topinabee village center looking north once the “Topinabee Green Corridor” enhancement project has been completed.

An aerial perspective of the Topinabee village center looking north once the “Topinabee Green Corridor” enhancement project has been completed.

  • By Shawna Jankoviak
    Updated Sep. 8, 2010 @ 8:07 am

    Topinabee, Mich.  —  
    The community of Topinabee is waiting to hear if it will receive a federal grant to fund streetscape and environmental improvements.
    In late August, Mullett Township officials submitted a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER II) grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation in hopes of securing $2.8 million in funds for the “Topinabee Green Corridor” enhancement project, previously known as the “Streetscape Enhancement Plan for Topinabee.”
    Google this:  www.otsego.org/.../topinabee/Topinabee%20Tiger%20II%20Budget.xlsx

  • By Shawna Jankoviak
    November 17. 2010 12:01AM

    Topinabee denied on grant request

    The community of Topinabee was not awarded a $2.8 million federal grant it applied for to fund streetscape and environmental improvements.
    In late August, Mullett Township officials submitted a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER II) grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation in hopes of securing $2.8 million in funds for the “Topinabee Green Corridor” enhancement project, previously known as the “Streetscape Enhancement Plan for Topinabee.”
    Google this:  http://www.otsego.org/gbc/rural_mentoring/topinabee/Topinabee%20TIGER%203%20Application%20%28Final%29.pdf

    Go to page 4

    Strictly Confidential Mullett Township
    V2.1 October 31, 2011 Topinabee Green Corridor
    Page 4
    Summary of Revised Application Items
    The budget of $2,840,172 from the 2010 Mullett Township TIGER II application has been reduced to $1,592,926 in the 2011 TIGER III application, reflecting the project segment, completes the transportation infrastructure improvements within the Topinabee community. In addition, Mullett Township has increased the match commitment from $100,000 in 2010 to $318,585 (20%) in 2011.
    Engineering Cost Estimates
    Cost-estimates have been revised to reflect the proposed project segment and the current market value.
    Benefit/Cost Analysis
    Mullett Township will hire HDR to complete a benefit/cost analysis of the project based on Sustained Return on Investment (SROI) to demonstrate the benefits of the project segment pursuant to the primary criteria outlined in the NOFA.
    Environmental Review
    It has been determined that the independent utility of the project segment of the project qualifies as a Categorical Exclusion pursuant to Under 23 CFR 771.117 and CEQ Section 1508.4 C and D criteria.

                              October 23, 2011 Township Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

    The Mullett Township Board of Trustees met at the Mullett Township Hall at 8:00pm in the Mullett Township Hall in Topinabee, Michigan.  All Board Members were present:  Willard Morgan, Rachel Osborn, Karen Morgan, Dennis Dombroski and John Brown.

    Supervisor Morgan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

    On a motion by Dennis Dombroski to cap the Tiger Grant III at $l.2M which was seconded by Bill Morgan on a roll call vote as follows:

                                   Ayes:  Dennis Dombroski
                                              Karen Morgan
                                              Rachel Osborn
                                              Bill Morgan

                                 Nayes:  John Brown

    The supervisor declared the motion passed.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm
    Respectfully submitted,
    Rachel Osborn
    Mullett Township Clerk


            Oct. 4,2011 Mullett Township Board of Trustees Meeting  Minutes

    The Mullett Township Board of Trustees met at the Mullett Township Hall at 8:00pm in
    Topinabee, Michigan.  All Board Members were present:  Willard Morgan, Rachel Osborn,
    Karen Morgan, Dennis Dombroski and John Brown.
    The meeting was led with the Pledge of Allegiance by Dennis Dombroski.
    The Mullett Township Minutes September 6, 2011, September 8, 2011 (special meeting)
    September 28, 2011 (special meeting) were presented and approved as presented by a
    motion from Dennis Dombroski and seconded by John Brown, motion passed.
    On a motion by Dennis Dombroski to have Mullett Township approve $1,000,000.00 for

    the application of the Tiger Grant III with a match of 20% or $200.000.00 seconded by

    Bill Morgan.  Motion passed.

                          RESOLUTION - MULLETT TOWNSHIP   2011 - #8
    WHEREAS, the Mullett Township Board of Trustees see a need to improve the walkable
    trails, walkable sidewalks and general upgrading of facilities in the parks and
    WHEREAS, the Topinabee Development Association has promoted the Streetscape Plan

    for the village of Topinabee and

    WHEREAS, the Complete Streets Plan will encompass the walkable plans put together by
    both the Mullett Township Board of Trustees and the Topinabee Development Association and

    WHEREAS, residents plan to apply for grant funds from Federal and State funds to
    accomplish more user friendly walkable situations in Mullett Township facilities such as
    bike trails also being used for walkable trails as well as the village of Topinabee sidewalks,
    crosswalks to help make the community more attractive and

    THEREFORE, now be resolved that Mullett Township Board of Trustees and Topinabee
    Development Association support the Complete Streets Program effort.

    Resolution offered by Board Member  Dennis Dombroski
    Second offered by  Board Member   John Brown

    Upon a roll call vote:     AYES:     John Brown
                                                       Dennis Dombroski
                                                       Karen Morgan
                                                       Rachel Osborn
                                                       Bill Morgan

                                      Nayes:       0

    The supervisor declared the resolution adopted.

    Rachel Osborn
    Mullett Township Clerk
    What are the real "facts"?? 
    The Mullett Board, after the failed Tiger II Grant, approved a revised $1.2 million Tiger III Grant application with a local match never publicly stated to exceed $200,000.

    Karyn Warsow, the grant writer, in cooperation with the engineering firm Wade Trim and the TDA submitted an application that clearly shows a total proposed cost of $1,592,926 with a $318,585 Mullett Township match. 

    Would that discrepancy in amounts be defined as FRAUD on a Federal Grant application?

    Tiger III Grant application-DENIED on request

    August 2013



    MULLETT TOWNSHIP — The Mullett Township Board of Trustees gave its first stamp of approval to move forward on the proposed streetscape project Monday night.

    By a 4-0 vote, the township has directed WadeTrim of Gaylord to proceed with developing a combined conceptual plan with added design elements, preliminary engineering and landscape architecture, storm sewer design and detailed and itemized cost estimating for the project.

    The action approved by the board will cost $33,600.

    The streetscape will improve the center of the village in Topinabee and will include a pedestrian friendly sidewalk system, organized parking, relocation of existing overhead wires and removal of power poles along M-27. The project would be between Beeson Street to just south of Topinabee Mailing Route Road.

    “We want to finalize so we can get going on the streetscape plan,” said Township Clerk Rachel Osborne. “The board has to say yea or nay on the final adjustments.”

    Those adjustments included the addition of two bump outs and the addition of a concrete slab near the pavilion.

    With storm sewers being a part of the design, Osborne informed the board of a new SAW grant that has just been developed.

    The Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW) grant has just been developed by the state.

    “The SAW grant is a brand new grant that just came out in the last couple weeks,” she said. “I would like to get this solidified and get it going and get this started.”

    Supervisor Mary Ann Gale said it is time to start moving forward as well.

    “My thought is to go forward on this proposal,” she said. Trustee Dennis Dombroski added, “I think we might as well develop it to some point and see where we end up in the grant competition.”

    The township will try to get the project funded through not only the SAW grant, but the Transportation Alternatives Program grant program. 

    Email received from Clerk Rachel Osborn  on August 13, 2013 in response to message advising her of SAW Grant informational seminars.

    "The SAW grant does not apply to our situation in Mullett Township." 

    So much for that part of the news story. Check out the real facts on the Transportation Alternatives Program, please look under eligible activities and decide how much of a stretch it is to apply any of the qualifying criteria to Topinabee. Here is a link:  TAP Grants

    At a 2013 Trail Town Grant meeting open to the public, Tom O'Hare of the TDA stated that the Mullett Board, the TDA, and Wade Trim had been "playing for the come" on a proposed "streetscape/green corridor" for years. For those, like myself, who do not shoot dice, the term literally means keep throwng the dice until theoretically you get lucky.

    Now, the "facts" are all there. The Topinabee Development Association, bankrolled by the taxpayers of Mullett Township, continues to shoot "streetscape" craps, throwing the dice against the wall, hoping for a "come".