A Quick Tour Of Mullett Township

Mullett Township News & Views-Promoting Open Government in Mullett Township

There is also the Mullett Township Party Line or you make drink the Kool-Aid from the Topinabee Development Association "Artesian" Well

Mullett Township
is a general law township in Cheboygan County, Michigan. The population was 1312 in the 2010 US census. The township and Mullett Lake are named for John Mullett, who with William Burt, surveyed much of the area between 1840 and 1843.

The commercial center of the Township is the quiet unincorporated Village of Topinabee located on the west shore of Mullett Lake on M27 highway. The village is a trailhead for the DNR Trail with off-street parking and restrooms.

The village has a Post Office, Convenience Store with gas pumps, Public Library with 24 hour outdoor WiFi, an artisan-owned woodwork shop, a breakfast cafe and a bar and grille. Township owned buildings include the Library, Township Hall and Fire Hall, and an unused former school building on Lea St.

Recreation needs are served with a beachfront park and covered picnic area, free public boat launch at the north end of the village, a small public access to Mullett Lake across from the Nokia Cafe and tennis court, ball-field, and playground equipment at a public park located up the hill on Lea St.

The east side of Mullett Township is largely rural, with no commercial development. Township services include a Fire Hall and volunteer East Mullett Lake Fire Department.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Arthur Glavin Gariepy, A Leader Or A Follower?

Broadcasting from the FREE World to the citizens of Mullett Township, Cheboygan County and oppressed people everywhere.

In a small community, drawing public attention to sometimes controversial issues of importance to local residents may inevitably offend a few people. My patriarchal roots in Cheboygan County reach back more than 100 years. That earns no special privilege. A new resident or even a casual visitor has the same right to speak out on issues as I do.

The mission statement of this blog is clearly stated up-front. I will continue to exercise my right to free speech. I have never authored a post or letter to the editor making personal attacks on any individual. I'll address actions and issues that impact Mullett Township specifically. If your actions are in the public forum, as the Topinabee Development Association and their followers are, I will make comment.

I don't question or publicly comment on any of the Mullett Board or TDA members personal life-style choices, personal associations, or personal conduct. Eat, sleep, live, recreate, procreate and cheat where and with whom you want. That is none of my business.

It is too bad the "crew" who supports the Mullett Board and their TDA cronies cannot conduct themselves as adults and lose the 2nd grade playground behavior.

Here is a letter from Art Gariepy, TDA member, published in the Tribune. 

Two days later, Mark Dombroski pens his letter in support of the Mullett Board. 

At least Cheboygan Area Schools Superintendent Mark Dombroski refrains from personally admonishing anyone by name.  Mr Dombroski is the chief administrative officer of Cheboygan County's largest school district and I find his attitude toward internet use and the First Amendment disturbing. Anyone who uses the Topinabee Library regularly can attest there are others who log far more hours on the internet than the alleged "bully".

He, as many of these "crew" members have done, attempts to imply facts can be "twisted" or misrepresented. 

  1. A thing that is indisputably the case.
  2. Information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article. 
The next day, the Tribune printed a LTE:

"Defending Oneself"

Mr Art Gariepy’s 7/24/2013 LTE is the reason why many concerned citizens in Cheboygan County wisely refrain from speaking out on local issues. As he feels comfortable admonishing strangers by first name, I’ll reciprocate. Art, my knowledge of you is limited to this fact: as with every LTE in support of the new Topinabee Park, you are a member of the TDA. Why is the TDA afraid to allow people to make their own judgments? The majority see the flawed basic design. People flock to any water when it’s hot. That is not an endorsement of the park; it’s the only option for the general public.

To clarify for Art, Mullett Township Boards, past and present, have demonstrated misfeasance. Courts decide malfeasance. They ignore ethics guidelines recommended by the Michigan Townships Association, passing a resolution that formally endorses conflicts of interest.  Art also appears to be a big believer of some of the slanderous misinformation spread by that anonymous gnome who lives in the big pines.  I am a private citizen and the following is really none of Art’s business. I am not a voter in Mullett Township. I own properties and pay taxes, supporting schools and the libraries Art takes umbrage at me using in three different jurisdictions. I may legally vote only once. Most people would agree that paying taxes for government services entitles the taxpayer to see if their tax dollars are spent wisely or being squandered.

Art, when Supervisor Gale publicly sought volunteers last year, unlike you, my name was on the list.  At her request, I spent considerable time researching and developing a database and grading criteria for township roads. She said good job. After seven months of inaction, has this become another forgotten agenda item or was my pink slip lost in the mail?

Carl Muscott

Topinabee, Indian River, MI and Maricopa, AZ

I do not seek followers or a "crew". I like smart people who think independently, draw their own conclusions, and are not closed to new ideas or actions.  I promote open government. I attend every Mullett meeting I am aware of as scheduling allows. I adhere to Mullett Township's onerous 20 page FOIA policy implemented in an attempt to hide the facts. I don't have an inside track for free info and have no interest in being an "insider", attempting to covertly sway decisions of the Mullett Board.

I don't question or publicly comment on any of the Mullett Board or TDA members personal life-style choices, personal associations, or personal conduct. Eat, sleep, live, recreate, procreate and cheat where and with whom you want. That is none of my business. 

People, whether public or anonymous who simply make personal attacks rather than defending their position are not contributing to the community. Adults chide children for participating in these school-yard antics and the community should be embarrassed by these "actors" spouting what is clearly hate speech.