Update: March 5-7, 2014
March 5th: Snowmobilers find the shortest path to Mullett Lake, unfortunately trespassing on private property.
March 5th: The Mullett Township snow removal team is still unable to clear an ADA ramp/sidewalk from the parking lot to the restroom.
The TDA Monument in it's Winter clothing.
The snow covered walks at the restroom just waiting for the next slip and fall on township property.
Unlike our local government, this local property owner took swift action to stop the destruction of their property caused by the Mullett Board's closure of the TDA Park.
Update: February 20, 2014
While the Topinabee Beach Park remains closed to all, if you look across M27 at Chamberlin Park, the snow-covered steel steps climbing the hill remain open despite being snow covered all winter. Some hardy soul trekked through knee deep snow and ignoring the obvious safety hazard, climbed to the top. Where is your snow fence Supervisor Gale? How does this "liability issue" differ from the steps in the Topinabee Park?
The Mullett Township Board's decision to install a snowfence to protect the Topinabee Beach Park "improvements" from snowmobiles created it's own ****storm. The snow fence closing the Topinabee Park was allegedly installed to protect us from ourselves. We might fall thorough the ice, we might fall on the snow-covered "Grand" staircase to the beach, we might hurdle a snowmachine off one of the faux stone terraces.
Smelling the ****storm brewing on the horizon, our shadow government moved into action. Mr d suggested some of those wood posts like the DNR used along the trail to define the right of way might serve the purpose. The posts would let people enter the park on foot, but if placed closely together they would still serve the prime directive to block all snowmobile traffic from the park. Mr t agreed. Mr t also speculated that they can play dumb and gain the DNR's support on this "fix". In fact, Mr t says we can probably manipulate the DNR into thinking they created this problem and in the interest of "safety", get the DNR to pay for the posts installation.
In January, Treasurer Kathy Flory states she voted to install the continuous snow fence along the tail and beach, but it was not her intent to close the Park to all access. Treasurer Flory is tasked with looking at alternatives to the snowfence.
At the February Board meeting, Treasurer Flory advised the Board she has found a solution and an "anonymous" benefactor willing to pay $4,000 to install wooden posts. Another $3,500 would be needed to fabricate removable seasonal safety gates at the top and bottom of the "grand" staircase.
The "anonymous" offer is presented as a limited time offer requiring Board approval ASAP. The Board approves this "anonymous" donation of the wooden post fix.
A few days later, Joyce Angel-Ling and Dave Stempky of the DNR were observed looking over the Park and checking out the snowfence. Comments were made that, surprise, surprise, the DNR would probably find funding for the installation of the wooden posts. Mr Stempky later confirmed in writing that he would do his best to install wooden barrier posts along the Trail.
Are you as a taxpayer in Michigan the "anonymous" donator funding the DNR installation of wooden posts? Who did you think would continue to pay to correct the flaws in this ill-designed park? The TDA?