The June 5, 2012 Mullett Board of Trustees Meeting was well
attended and with a lengthy agenda this blog will attempt to report the meeting
in some detail.
The first agenda item was the bid tabulation by Paul
Rapuskey of Wade-Trim for the Boy Scout Park driveway/parking lot/ADA ramp
project. The low bidder was C & J Excavating & Trucking with a bid of
$39,239.37. This process started last year when the Board hired Wade-Trim to
survey and design a much needed driveway and parking lot at Boy Scout Park in
east Mullett Township. The project entails a gravel drive and designated parking
area with a concrete ADA path from the parking area to the existing Pavilion.
After planning for this project for over half a year, after
the Board’s approval of the design, after it was stated the project cost could
be as high as $60,000,, after incurring a $5,900 engineering bill, after the
invitation to bid went out to a selected few contractors, and after the bids
were opened on May 9, 2012 and Wade-Trim was authorized to tabulate the bids,
Mullett Township Clerk Rachel Osborn suddenly had cold feet.
She stated she felt the cost was too much for only“250 feet”
of driveway and, cast the only NO vote. If Ms Osborn was facing opposition in
this year’s election, we might call this political posturing an attempt to show
fiscal restraint. But, there are no seekers for the Clerk’s position and she has
never shown any fiscal restraint while voting herself two pay increases in her
first term or throwing money around on her pet projects. Was the no vote cast
because this project did not have the support of the Topinabee Development
Association? Mr Tom O’Hare, TDA member, and one half of the TDA’s public
representation on the Mullett Township Park Board was in attendance but remained
silent and offered no comment or support. Tom O’Hare is clearly only concerned
with park projects he can see from his back yard.
Supervisor Koviak of Burt Township was in attendance and the
Mullett and Burt Township Boards are working to clarify the joint ownership and
an inter-local agreement with cemetery rules for the Burt-Mullett Cemetery.
With the floor open to public comment, Dennis Jonski made his annual plea for needed pavement
repairs to the Patterson, Sutherland, and Chapman streets.
Tom O’Hare announced that he and David Ogg had reviewed further
work on the Topinabee park plans which met with their approval. The legislators
are still playing politics with approval all of the MNRTF grants and a final
approval of the Grant is not yet done.
Tom O’Hare also announced the Topinabee Development Association
will hold their annual meeting on July 7, 2012 from 4 to 7 PM at the Topinabee
Pavilion as part of the TDA’s Commemorative Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Topinabee
Beach Front Park project that is funded by a $280,000 MRTF Grant and $120,000
of Mullett taxpayers matching funds. Tom O’Hare encouraged everyone to attend
and “BYOB” to promote public consumption of alcohol in the Topinabee Park on a Saturday
afternoon. A heated and confused
discussion between Board members and Tom O’Hare over the township liability and
legal requirements for alcohol consumption on township owned property ensued and
Tom O’Hare stated he would comply with any legal requirements.
Kathy Flory announced her candidacy for Mullett Township
Treasurer to those in attendance. She is facing a primary run-off against
incumbent Treasurer Karen Morgan. Although
other candidates have filed and were apparently in attendance at the meeting,
no one else introduced themselves.
This blog coordinator asked the Mullett Board to consider rescinding
a Resolution formally adopted on February 5, 2008 that empowers the Topinabee Development
Association to seek grants and other funds from Federal, State, County, Township
and private sources to develop the TDA streetscape plan. This resolution has
given the TDA the power to approach Federal and other entities seeking grants
and funds to build the Topinabee the TDA envisions with the implication that they
have the support of Mullett residents at large.
Trustee John Brown presented a large format colored map with
FEMA designated “flood plain” areas indicated in red. If you were not in
attendance and wish to see if your property is affected, the Cheboygan County Planning
and Zoning has information on the website.
Mullett Clerk Rachel Osborn again read a letter from 35 “residents
and non-residents” concerned that the Topinabee Park improvements will create
parking problems and asked for the Mullett Board to consider adding more
parking lots for park users. Clerk Osborn also sought a reply for those
individuals who are still trying to close Topinabee Shore Drive to public
access, restricting free access to a road end on Mullett Lake. The Sutherland
road end, 47 feet more less is already encumbered by a “squatter”, a shed owned
by Brian Callaghan encroaching about 12 feet on this public road end. He and other
Topinabee Shore property owners will continue to try to close this lake access
to the public. The Sutherland road end is a valuable asset to Mullett Township
residents and it is vital that this historical access to Mullett Lake be maintained
or it will be lost to future generations.
Supervisor Bill Morgan presented the Board with a water
quality report from the East Mullett Fire Hall. Apparently, excessive iron
levels are the issue and a question was raised whether this is a health issue
and if potable water is needed at the hall. Supervisor Morgan stated the hall
is occasionally used for “baby showers” or other functions by East Mullett residents
and Clerk Osborn stated this was news to her. The Township Hall in Topinabee is
rented to Mullett residents at a nominal fee but apparently Mullett Residents on
the other side of the lake has been using the East Mullett Fire Hall without
The Board reached a consensus to investigate options including
a water treatment system to remove the iron, and two different size replacement
well options. Trustee John Brown asked Supervisor Morgan to secure two bids. He
stated if he was having his own well repaired/replaced, he would seek at least
2 bids,
Trustee Dennis Dombroski received his long sought approval
to have his Mullett-Burt Road crack sealed at cost to the township of $2,800. Clerk
Osborn stated she also uses this road.
$10,000 was approved for brine application used for dust
control for those Mullett residents living on un-improved or gravel roads.