October 4, 2011 Meeting Agenda as supplied by Mullett Township Clerk-Rachel Osborn
Pledge: Dennis Dombroski
Minutes: Board will accept as presented or read: September 6, 2011
September 8 Special Meeting, 2011
September 28, Special Meeting 2011
Keith Phillips - Lot split
Jim Partee “” “”
John Brown:
Dennis Dombroski: Fire Inspection Ordinance discussion
Karen Morgan:
Rachel Osborn: Financial Report for 2 nd quarter of fiscal year: Mullett Township Appoint a member of the board to the Cheboygan Trailways Advisory Council
Reading of the support resolution for Complete Streets as requested by Tom O'Hare
Motion to approve the 20% match for the Tiger Grant III since this will be completed by October 31, 2011 and sent by Karyn Warsow:
Discussion of the Blight Ordinance and consideration of whether to go forward with same.
Burt Township has voted to give the Topinabee Public Library a $1,000.00 check for contracted services which our library supplies to them
Thank you note from Firefighters Association:
Bill Morgan: New water pump for townshall?
And Here is What Happened.......
Oct. 4,2011 Mullett Township Board of Trustees Meeting Proposed Minutes
The Mullett Township Board of Trustees met at the Mullett Township Hall at 8:00pm in
And Here is What Happened.......
Oct. 4,2011 Mullett Township Board of Trustees Meeting Proposed Minutes
The Mullett Township Board of Trustees met at the Mullett Township Hall at 8:00pm in
Topinabee, Michigan. All Board Members were present: Willard Morgan, Rachel Osborn,
Karen Morgan, Dennis Dombroski and John Brown.
The meeting was led with the Pledge of Allegiance by Dennis Dombroski.
The Mullett Township Minutes September 6, 2011, September 8, 2011 (special meeting)
September 28, 2011 (special meeting) were presented and approved as presented by a
motion from Dennis Dombroski and seconded by John Brown, motion passed.
On a motion by Dennis Dombroski to have Mullett Township approve $1,000,000.00 for
the application of the Tiger Grant III with a match of 20% or $200.000.00 seconded by
Bill Morgan. Motion passed.
The expense report for the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year for Mullett Township was read
as follows:
General Fund 101 $60,415.59
Fire Fund 206 11,951.56
Liquor Fund 212 258.36
Street Light Fund 219 4,625.54
Library Fund 271 9, 642.59
Total expenses $86,893.64
For July, August, September 2011
Motion by John Brown to appoint Bill Morgan as the person to represent Mullett Township
on the Cheboygan County Trailways Advisory Council with John Brown as the alternate
for Mullett Township. Seconded by Dennis Dombroski, motion passed. Clerk to
notify Council.
WHEREAS, the Mullett Township Board of Trustees see a need to improve the walkable
trails, walkable sidewalks and general upgrading of facilities in the parks and
WHEREAS, the Topinabee Development Association has promoted the Streetscape Plan
for the village of Topinabee and
WHEREAS, the Complete Streets Plan will encompass the walkable plans put together by
both the Mullett Township Board of Trustees and the Topinabee Development Association and
WHEREAS, residents plan to apply for grant funds from Federal and State funds to
accomplish more user friendly walkable situations in Mullett Township facilities such as
bike trails also being used for walkable trails as well as the village of Topinabee sidewalks,
crosswalks to help make the community more attractive and
THEREFORE, now be resolved that Mullett Township Board of Trustees and Topinabee
Development Association support the Complete Streets Program effort.
Resolution offered by Board Member Dennis Dombroski
Second offered by Board Member John Brown
Upon a roll call vote: AYES: John Brown
Dennis Dombroski
Karen Morgan
Rachel Osborn
Bill Morgan
Nayes: 0
The supervisor declared the resolution adopted.
Rachel Osborn
Mullett Township Clerk
Upon a motion by Dennis Dombroski and seconded by John Brown to replace the water
pump at the Mullett Township Hall at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. Motion passed.
The Mullett Township Board received a letter of Thanks from the Topinabee Firefighters
Association which was read into the record.
A thank you to the Friends of the Library for a new sign on the lake side of the Topinabee
Motion by Dennis Dombroski to pay the bills, seconded by John Brown, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm
Respectfully submitted
Rachel Osborn
Mullett Township Clerk