Meeting Agenda
Thank you to the Friends of the Library for a very successful Book Sale: Also thanks to Brian and
Patty King who gave their time and help with the set up of the book sale.
Call to order at 7:00pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment
Close of Public Comment
Approval of minutes of August 4, 2015
Approval of minutes of August 12, 2015
Treasurer's report
Discussion of Splits
Fitzek final invoice for the roofing of the Mullett Township Hall and the Topinabee Fire Hall. There is the extra $600.00 for the underlayment and also the sofit and facia which is another $700.00 not
covered in the original approval of $19,700.00. A total of $1300.00 due for approval.
Discussion of proposal of Resolution to gain an additional 20 points for the MDNRTF Grant
Is this another secret Resolution?? No-More likely Tom O'Hare's already public request to increase the match on the Parking Lot Grant.
Here is another example of Tom O'Hare working behind closed doors to benefit you.....
Here are the last two Resolutions authored by the TDA and approved by the Mullett Board, but never published. All in an attempt to gain 30 points on the MNRTF Grant Application for the TDA Streetscape parking lot and storm sewer extension.

"Collaboration" DNR Definition: A formal agreement for local units of government to share, operate, and/or maintain a recreational facility.