A Quick Tour Of Mullett Township

Mullett Township News & Views-Promoting Open Government in Mullett Township

There is also the Mullett Township Party Line or you make drink the Kool-Aid from the Topinabee Development Association "Artesian" Well

Mullett Township
is a general law township in Cheboygan County, Michigan. The population was 1312 in the 2010 US census. The township and Mullett Lake are named for John Mullett, who with William Burt, surveyed much of the area between 1840 and 1843.

The commercial center of the Township is the quiet unincorporated Village of Topinabee located on the west shore of Mullett Lake on M27 highway. The village is a trailhead for the DNR Trail with off-street parking and restrooms.

The village has a Post Office, Convenience Store with gas pumps, Public Library with 24 hour outdoor WiFi, an artisan-owned woodwork shop, a breakfast cafe and a bar and grille. Township owned buildings include the Library, Township Hall and Fire Hall, and an unused former school building on Lea St.

Recreation needs are served with a beachfront park and covered picnic area, free public boat launch at the north end of the village, a small public access to Mullett Lake across from the Nokia Cafe and tennis court, ball-field, and playground equipment at a public park located up the hill on Lea St.

The east side of Mullett Township is largely rural, with no commercial development. Township services include a Fire Hall and volunteer East Mullett Lake Fire Department.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Supervisor Gale's Legacy: Toilets & Toilet Paper

The June 2nd  June 3rd Mullett Township Board Meeting was lightly attended compared to last year's first East Mullett meeting. 

Confusion on date of the meeting? Possibly. Or were last year's attendees dissuaded by Supervisor Gale's attitude about their road concerns? Remember the gentleman, rightfully indignant, who left mid-meeting after being admonished by Supervisor Gale when he asked if the Board would pass a motion and formal request to the CCRC to repair the dangerous roads on the East side of Mullett Lake.

Blow them off and they don't come back. Good government. 

Ken Paquet presented a proposed millage request  from the CCRC and listened to comments. Hear the audio here.

Two bids for the new Boy Scout restrooms were finally submitted or found? The low bid, submitted by C & J Excavating was $33, 246. An interesting question: Why is this bid about $50,000 less than the budgeted amount based on the engineer's estimate?

Mullett Township received and processed it's first ever fireworks permit application. Mark Pulte's family has a wedding planned at their Mullett Lake cottage. In addition to building a temporary platform or dock on the lake measuring 80 x 164 feet, the wedding celebration will include a professional fireworks display in mid-lake on July 19th. 

The Sutherland Rd end issue was tabled.

Toilet Paper (TP)

It seems as though Supervisor MaryAnne Gale has spent an inordinate amount of time on "potty" issues since becoming Supervisor. First, firing without cause an employee that used to open/close, and clean the restrooms. Then spending time to research timed locks and eventually advocating leaving the restrooms open 24/7. That created issues with alleged vandalism and a vagrant allegedly sleeping in the restroom that were never reported to law enforcement. 

When Supervisor MaryAnne Gale's new employee quit, apparently without notice,  Supervisor MaryAnne Gale had to actually install her own rolls of TP. Those alleged problems resulted in more research by Supervisor MaryAnne Gale and the eventual installation of one video surveillance camera outside the restroom. Smile when you go by.

Despite all of Supervisor MaryAnne Gale's potty work, the only thing the public sees is almost always dirty toilets, snow-covered or icy side walks in the winter, over flowing garbage receptacles and front page stories about the new TDA Park. 

Courtesy Cheboygan Tibune
Jason Ganske, 27, of Onaway was sentenced to prison for 18 months to 20 years on a felony conviction of delivery of morphine by 53rd Circuit Court Judge Scott Pavlich Tuesday.The Straits Area Narcotics Enforcement, SANE, team officers were notified by a confidential informant that prescription morphine could be purchased from Ganske.The informant was given $70 in prerecorded funds, and the officers followed him to Topinabee Park in Mullett Township, where he exchanged $60 for one 100 milligram morphine pill,  according to a news release from the office of Cheboygan County Prosecutor Daryl Vizina.
Now, Supervisor MaryAnne Gale, knowing we all go, enjoy the go-sorry Charmin-is researching larger and larger toilet paper dispensers. In this quest, she has "discovered" Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Yes MaryAnne, that is what MSDS means. Educate yourself on OSHA compliance. Don't confuse the issue of a child licking a restroom wall with MSDS. The most likely exposure to a hazard when a child licks a restroom surface in Topinabee is E.coli.

Public comment opened with a question if property owners adjacent to Block 5 had initiated a petition or spoke with Supervisor MaryAnne Gale opposing a park in that location. She denied this. 
A request to identify the members of her new Park and Rec Committee drew a few blanks from Supervisor MaryAnne Gale. Two were easily identified. Gary Miller, TDA member and a vocal opponent to the old TDA swings is one. Gary's wife, MaryJan Miller, also a TDA  member and Tom O'Hare's sister is another committee member. Some lady was known only as Shelly? Shellie? is another. My apology to Shelly. Does her opinion weigh equally?
Dennis Jonski gave a statement asking the Mullett Board to preserve the Sutherland Road access. 
Supervisor MaryAnne Gale explained why she out-sourced a photocopy job despite having a new copier at her disposal. It was a very complicated "manual" for the TDA Park. David Ogg made a "Park Manual" that is "phenomenal" and she wanted multiple copies. Supervisor MaryAnne Gale states "I am not going to spend my time making copies"...."I've got more things to do"..."I'm not going to make copies".