A Quick Tour Of Mullett Township

Mullett Township News & Views-Promoting Open Government in Mullett Township

There is also the Mullett Township Party Line or you make drink the Kool-Aid from the Topinabee Development Association "Artesian" Well

Mullett Township
is a general law township in Cheboygan County, Michigan. The population was 1312 in the 2010 US census. The township and Mullett Lake are named for John Mullett, who with William Burt, surveyed much of the area between 1840 and 1843.

The commercial center of the Township is the quiet unincorporated Village of Topinabee located on the west shore of Mullett Lake on M27 highway. The village is a trailhead for the DNR Trail with off-street parking and restrooms.

The village has a Post Office, Convenience Store with gas pumps, Public Library with 24 hour outdoor WiFi, an artisan-owned woodwork shop, a breakfast cafe and a bar and grille. Township owned buildings include the Library, Township Hall and Fire Hall, and an unused former school building on Lea St.

Recreation needs are served with a beachfront park and covered picnic area, free public boat launch at the north end of the village, a small public access to Mullett Lake across from the Nokia Cafe and tennis court, ball-field, and playground equipment at a public park located up the hill on Lea St.

The east side of Mullett Township is largely rural, with no commercial development. Township services include a Fire Hall and volunteer East Mullett Lake Fire Department.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bids? Bids? Are There ANY Bids?? Failed Again

I take great pleasure in watching smart people work. That doesn't necessarily mean Stephen Hawking "smart". 

It can be a tradesman who knows his trade or business person who knows their business inside out. There is nothing more enjoyable to me than observing a person who can flawlessly perform a task, whether mundane or demanding, with confidence and the ability to talk at the same time. It's a big step up from our elected officials who seem flummoxed if they must walk and chew gum at the same time.

Give them a simple task. Replace the filthy, out-dated pit toilets at Boy Scout Park. It would be very nice if done in a timely fashion and at a reasonable cost. After several years of discussion, dropping the ball, more discussion, forgetting it again, arguing about features and size; timely and reasonable cost are now moot points.

What the Mullett Board has done again is to look to an, ahem,  expert. More than $8,000 later, we have a 4 page plan for a two hole pit toilet based on the FREE DNR toilet plans. Accompanying this engineered plan is a 255 page "Project Manual". See Wade-Trim bid list. This link will self-destruct.

YES, 255 pages of specs, rules, regulations, qualifications, standards, time frames and performance requirements.  No, I didn't read it all. No need. I am not the idiots who needed to ask a large civil engineering firm to design an out-door toilet. I know what is contained within the 255 pages. The engineers need to obfuscate the simple project to earn their keep. 

In doing so, local contractors are faced with challenges meeting the obfuscated demands in the 255 page Project Manual.

The outcome of the May 27, 2014 Special Meeting? NO bids.

May I make a suggestion? The Mullett Board can print out the 255 page "Project Manual" on that new black and white printer, preferably on soft paper, read it thoroughly, and then hang it on a nail in the old Boy Scout Park restroom. The Mullett taxpayers can then put this $8,000 worth of toilet paper to good use.